Wheel and Rim Storage Hack

Hooks to get wheels and rims off the floor and out of the way.

Start with double loop sign holders. I bought mine at Home Depot.

Cut the top (short) loop. Shorten the remaining loop to a size that works for your needs. Make a long 90º bend then a 2nd shorter 90º bend. I used a scrap of 2”x6” lumber drilled to a depth of 3” & 1 & ¼”, clamped down to make my bends. Cut a piece of plastic tubing about 5 & ½” long to slip over the hook. I used a heat gun to make it easier to slip on.

Tools I used: Gloves Lineman’s pliers to cut the wire loops to size. Cable cutter for the tubing. Knife or scissors would work. Block of wood for the bending jig. Bar clamps. Tape measure. Heat gun.

A post on BikeForums.net is where I got the idea. I like using a wood block drilled for the bends, repeatable and no need to measure and mark each rod before bending.

$3.00 or so to have two hooks. Approximately 90 minutes to make 20 pair. I EMT conduit on hand and lumber to make the brackets.